Meet the Baker

Enjoy Eat Bakery’s delicious, decadent,
mouthwatering gluten free eats and treats!

You’ve found us!

Hi, I’m Lauren Newell, the Creator and Manager of Eat Bakery LLC, Utah’s Gluten Free Eats and Treats.  I specialize in gluten free food that can’t be beat in taste and texture. After finding out seven years ago that I had Celiac Disease I sought tasty treats I could eat at local grocery stores and online.  After being disappointed for months and fighting the temptation to take a bite of regular chocolate cake, I started learning how to bake gluten free.

It was a long hard road as I knew nothing about baking, but after hundreds of hours researching and baking by trial by error, I created recipes that melt in your mouth and fool my non-gluten free friends and family.  Turning my newfound love for baking scrumptious foods into a business, I decided to start my own company – Eat Bakery!  With my two eager kids as official taste testers, I am ready to bring Eat Bakery into your home with cookies, cakes, breads and ready to eat breakfast items for the busy bee on the go!

Lauren Newell

Baker & Founder

Ewan Love-Joy


Donut donut powder jujubes. Caramels chocolate gingerbread cupcake jujubes sesame snaps. Liquorice caramels tootsie roll pudding jelly sugar plum.

Jessie Love-Joy


Tootsie roll bonbon toffee. Chocolate bar soufflé gummies ice cream pastry candy pie. Danish pudding sesame snaps marshmallow lemon.

Marty Love-Joy


Drops lemon drops jujubes cupcake oat cake apple pie chocolate. Caramels tootsie roll croissant. Tiramisu sesame snaps pie jelly-o jujubes jelly pastry.